After a long, long campaign and after I have been very critical of the Obama campaign and the man himself...I have to say that Barack Obama has run an amazing campaign. The sheer fact he is the first African-American President is amazing enough. What about the fact that he is *only* 47 years old, that he is a lawyer, that he is the most liberal Senator in the US Senate? Despite those facts, he was still able to win the Electoral Vote. What about the fact that as recently as 5 years ago, there were no African Americans in the US Senate? Wow. He has transcended the typical voting demographics and became the 44th President of the United States.
As recent as the 1960s the African-American population was being denied their rights and still being persecuted. There is still racism today prevalent in pockets of the country, people still will have ill feelings towards Barack Obama just because he is black. However, tonight we can say that our country has grown a lot. This election has shown us that this country is moving to become a much more diverse country, where the "majority" vote is not what will steer the direction of the country. Hispanics, Asians, African-Americans, Whites...all of these people groups will have their voices heard more loudly through the next few years...
My personal politics do not agree with what a President Obama will espouse, however, I do hope he is a good President - for the sake of the country. Regardless, history has evolved tonight and we were blessed to be a part of it...regardless of what side of the aisle you were on.
Goodnight...tomorrow we wake to a new world.