Monday, September 8, 2008

Another week of milestones...

Quick update on the going-ons of the Abraham family:
  • Jason finished up his MBA over the weekend
  • Movers come to pack our house up on Wednesday
  • Movers come to load up the truck on Thursday
  • Movers unload the stuff in Wheaton on Friday
  • We will be in Wheaton permanently the week of September 22
  • Isabelle starts pre-preschool on September 24th
Its amazing to truly see God's hand in all of this. Six months ago we weren't sure when or if this State Farm Agency opportunity was going happen, how much more school I could take or if our house would sell in this market. As has been the theme throughout this blog and our life, God never fails.

We're looking forward to a busy week, but an eventful one for sure. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we make this transition real.

Oh...and can't leave out a mention of those amazing Chicago Bears! How about that....they go and surprise everyone, including, probably themselves. Nice start to the new season.

The re>root is happening.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Congrats again and welcome home (soon). Let me know what weekends work for you in October...Saturdays are filling up for me already.

Dave & Heather Steinbeck said...

AWESOME! Congrats on finishing your MBA. Way to go! Wow...movers tomorrow 'eh?! Things are happening fast. Looking forward to hearing the stories.

Dave & Heather Steinbeck said...

Oh man...thinking of you guys in the rain today...

We are so excited for you--can you believe it's all happening?! Whoohoo!

Jason, Congratulations! It took some SERIOUS dedication to get that schooling done...

And Isabelle in preschool?! Oh, my...she is such a sweet girl. You are going to have to keep blogging so I can see her grow up...

We'll definitely be praying for you guys through this transition period and all of the new adventures you are about to undertake.

Love, Heather Steinbeck :)