Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Night 2008

A recap of Politics 2008 and random thoughts from this historic day:
  • I voted. Did you?
  • Don't believe the exit polls, that's been proven over and over.
  • Why are people so angry? Stop hating and just vote and let the next guy vote.
  • Turnout is amazing. People are very excited this year for a historic event.
  • We've seen some election day fraud. Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philly, wet ballots in Virginia, ballot machines malfunctioning, military ballots being delivered/sent late, random callers from both parties lying to people and telling them that their polling site has changed, and who knows what else? Share with me any other stories you might have heard or events you actually witnessed.
  • Chicago has become the center of the nation - and will become moreso if Barack wins.
  • I got free Starbuck's coffee today just because I voted!
  • I enjoyed an almost 10 month email conversation with a good friend. We challenged each other, irritated each other and I believe taught each other a lot about the opposing views. I'd be interested to know how much your political views have grown or changed over this election cycle. Did you engage in the political process? Did you have a conversation that might have changed your vote? Did you read something that might have swayed your vote or made your choice more concrete?
Finally and most importantly: I believe our God has a plan that will be made more apparent tonight. I might have opposing views to the potential winner, but I know that God has plans that are far greater and far more amazing that anything these politicians can promise.

Goodnight - enjoy watching the election results and don't get too crazy out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the real question - now that the 10 months are up, are you still friends? :)